Sunday, October 22, 2006

Rice Chapter 7

  • Page 57 - Rice uses modern hip hop artists and rappers as examples of how musical styles can rhetorically construct meaning
  • Hip hop DJ's and artists of the late 70's like the Sugar Hill Gang are shown as examples of combining other genres with their music from sampling to create new music on pages 58-59
  • Public Enemy is used for an example of appropriation on page 60
  • Will Smith is used as an example of appropriation of music for material gain as compared to conveying a message on page 61
  • Pages 61 and 62 discuss the debate of whether or not sampling of music is considered stealing

This week was spent mostly in a computer lab for class, but on Friday we had a long discussion about what is considered plagiarism and outright stealing of others ideas. We talked about Beck to start with but then moved into other forms of music and writing that we experienced. We also were able to talk about tv shows like Family Guy and Disney movies as examples of how existing ideas need to paid for or OK'd to be used and how it isn't necessarily considered plagiarism if a story is redone as was the case with many Disney movies. The most important thing about the discussion was using these examples to form an idea of where the line should be drawn for using others works in your own and where the difference is between borrowing and stealing.


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