Thursday, October 05, 2006


I live by Camp Randall. The closest workout facility is the Shell, which is about a block away from where I live so it's really convenient. Most of the reason I go there is to play basketball, just some pick up games with some friends and whatnot. Lately though, I haven't felt much like going, and I think part of it is that there is this kinda creepy old guy Tony who goes there to play basketball. If anyone has gone there to play basketball I'm sure you've ran into him, or even just working out around the track you might have too, he talks to anybody within earshot for no apparant reason. Take this as a warning to try to avoid him if at all possible. You will know it is him if he:
  1. Takes his shirt off even if he is on the shirts team, only to reveal the carpet of hair he has on his front and back
  2. Seems to always have just brushed his teeth with too much toothpaste, you know where some of it gets on the sides of your mouth
  3. Is challenging someone to a game of full court one on one basketball
  4. Tells you you're just too fast, like the Mavericks
  5. Always insists the game is tied, even when his team is most likely losing by about 10 points
  6. Constantly yells "We gotta press!!"

That last point is the major one to watch out for. I guess also he kind of looks like Larry David, so keep that in mind when visiting the shell. Nothing against him though, he seems like he means well, just a little awkward.